Katharine Coman to Jane Addams, [December 29, 1910] (fragment)


[missing page(s)] to you and the blessing of God on all your enterprises!

Thank you so much for writing Mrs. McCormick on behalf of the International Institute. I am sorry that she feels that her gifts must go elsewhere. Would [page 2] [missing page(s)]

My mother and I have finished reading the Twenty Years of Hull House and we agree in thinking it a great book, with far more raison d'etre than the normal autobiography. Indeed, it is not your own life, but the life of your neighborhood interpreted by you. It is [page 3] so replete with wisdom -- the wisdom gained through a selfless experience, that it becomes a life philosophy. I am so grateful to you for so lucidly demonstrating to American women, especially college women, the type of living that is best worth while. Women have done so much in the way of literature that is mere self-seeking and vanity that I feel your book in some sense a vindication of American womanhood! [page 4]

Our government workers are still holding out on the belief that the employers must soon yield the right to organize and arbitration without a string [to] it. May it not be that Mr. Hart would now be more amendable to reason?

Always your Loyal friend,

Katharine Coman