Robert Hunter to Jane Addams, December 19, 1910

Highland Farm,
Noroton Heights, Conn.

December 19, 1910.

Dear Miss Addams:--

Illness has prevented my sending you, until now, my thanks for the copy of your last book. My wife will soon begin the reading of it aloud and we anticipate many pleasant evenings together in that occupation. I have however, already glanced through the volume and it brought back a host of precious memories. I can never forget my residence at Hull House and your own most loving and wise guidance. They were to me days of emotional tempest and I know not what might have become of me had you not so often held me in check and forced me to spend every ounce of energy in practical undertakings. I doubt if you altogether approve of the outcome of your efforts, but I think I can assure you of this, — I should have been infinitely worse had you not held over me so steady a rein in the winter of 1899-1900. And beside my indebtedness to you personally I feel under great obligations to Miss Starr, to Hull House and to all my other dear friends there. I think of you [page 2] all very, very often.

Thanking you again for your book and with the warm good wishes of all my family, believe me,

Ever sincerely yours,

Robert Hunter [signed]

To Miss Jane Addams.

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