Anne Ellers Bunker to Jane Addams, June 29, 1923


June 29 -- My dear Jane

The papers this morning have the news of your being ill. I am hoping that it not as serious as they are reporting. I am so very sorry dear. You have been too generous to your many friends in granting them their desires. You dear dear I am wondering if I can be of any service to you in any way? If I can I will be so glad to serve you. I am coming to Japan later [page 2] and could just as well come any time if I could be of use. Remember dear that our love is about you & that every dark & unpleasant happening has its bright side. You are so wonderful, so sweet & dear in every way and I know that you will come [through] this trial in triumph, that all will be well & you in even better [fettle] than before. God be with you dear in all your ways.

Annie Bunker

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