Andrea Hofer Proudfoot to Jane Addams, November 6, 1922

Room 829 Peoples Gas Bldg.
Chicago, Ill.

My Dear Miss Addams

I do not understand that Austrian money is still being held up in the U.S.A. Mr. Proudfoot as lawyer has many cases and all have had their Austrian money returned to them. Our Mrs Julia Viditz-Ward, as above, received hers over a year ago, -- yes even more.

I am asking Mr. Proudfoot to look up her case for me and for you. He is leaving for Washington on Wed of this week, and will have the leisure to look it up. Of course he does the things as a helper not as a bus.

I will ask Mrs Ward to give the woman some attention by post to Salzburg and offer her some money, from our relief fund. I know just how these things haunt one when full of other duties. That is why I have kept myself out of everything else, and have just stuck to this awful job, of just bread for the hungry.

Would love to go to The Hague, and Mr. P. is urging me all the time to run away. Here’s a joke I have had my teeth removed and have delayed having them replaced so that I would not be tempted to go anywhere, until I have this agony of fall clothing campaign finished. The campaign last year fell through by the Committee voting it out of my hands into Dr. Koessler’s, and he proved too busy to do it. So this year I am doing it as a private citizen, not as a committee. Oh, they are threadbare over there, -- years of no clothes, -- so unsanitary and so terrible to their feelings. So keep myself wrought up, -- or I would be dropping it all, too. Nearly all the relief has ceased in Austria, and never were the conditions so bad. Fr. [Hertzka] does not report this, but she does not belong to the class that is suffering. Just sent off bundles to all my personal friends. Hope some of them may be sent to The Hague. If you see them give them my love. We are now helping over 3000 families, -- in Austria. Only a drop in the bucket, but some job for one pair of hands.

Lovingly yours,

Andrea Hofer Proudfoot [signed]

Nov 6, 1922