Dearest Lady
We missed you very much at Mrs Post's but after all there was little we could do except go over the correspondence and we left in as vague a state of mind as we went I think, except that the companionship was comforting. Mrs Post, Mrs Mead, F Kelley, Mrs Spencer and I were there, and some of the others Mrs Daugaard, Mrs White [etc?] came in later in the afternoon.
I am coming on via Washington early in March and will put in application for a passport then. I was strongly advised to wait until the President returned in case there was need to appeal to him. [page 2] I will try to get it out of the way early in March and know the [wait?] and I do hope that the others will come along rapidly.
Miss Macmillan, you know has been trying in vain to get a passport to Holland in order to be of service at the central office and now urges [us] to send someone from the U.S.A. We are writing to Mrs Cothren urging her to go because the passport question would not be difficult for her and she would be fine there. Personally I wish Miss Daugaard could be there, but I suppose that she and Dr Jacobs might not hit it off.
I do hope that you are getting better fast, it is surprising what a case of [illegible] can do. I meant to write [page 3] you at Atlantic City but I scurried off to Baltimore immediately after the meeting at Mrs Post's and Mary Smith and I came on here.
I am doing some speaking on a "League of Nations" and we hope to have at least a week of quiet.
By the way how strange it all is this partial League -- there is certainly need of a truly international meeting if only to show that it can be done.
Please give my love to Miss Cheever and believe me always devotedly yours
Jane Addams
Feby 18" 1919