Edith Hooper Eddis Gambier-Bousfield to Jane Addams, October 22, 1918


My dear Miss Addams

We are so sorry to hear of your nephew's death and wish to extend to you our sincerest sympathy. He may have told you what great friends we have been, ever since we met four years ago during which time he has been a constant visitor at our house. He spent his last night here and left us feeling very happy. Since the cable we have received several nice long letters written in September. If you hear any further particulars we would be so glad to know them. It would be a great comfort to know some one belonging to him and one of whom he was so fond. So if you are in New York perhaps we could meet.

My husband joins me in sending you our deepest sympathy.

Yours very sincerely,

(Signed) Edith

October 22nd
2696 Heath Ave., New York.