September 26, 1917
Dear Miss Addams:
With the approval of Mr. DeForest, Mr. Glenn and the staff -- which stands ready to shoulder the extra load of work in the busy season of a trying year -- I have cabled my brother to stay on in France until Christmas. The opportunity before him is not only to render to the Red Cross a service for which he, through his experience as director of the Pittsburgh Survey, is peculiarly equipped, but to put the editor of The Survey in a strategic position to interpret the reconstruction work in France, which must go on for years after the war.
For the present fiscal year (ending September 30) we are in fair shape and shall be in really good shape if we receive two of our larger contributions about which there still is doubt, but both of which are due, and are usually paid, at the very end of the fiscal year.
My brother's cable is as follows:
"(Homer) Folks wants me stay three months help organize editorial service, prepare quick survey field work now before Red Cross. Opportunity get grasp all phases situation, send Survey news matter, prepare series articles Survey. Can draft, forward annual report from here. Can you swing things financially without me till Christmas? Survey to continue my salary, living expenses Paris. Red Cross to pay expenses in field. Retain independent relationship. Talk Marion (Mrs. Kellogg) De Forest. Cable reply."
Sincerely yours,