Jane Addams to Esther Loeb Kohn, April 1, 1917


April 1st 1917


My dear dear Mrs Kohn

We were shocked to hear of your operation [although] the same letter said that you were doing well after it. I have been on the operating table often enough however to know that what the doctors call "doing well" may mean to [page 2] the patient much wretchedness and discomfort and I am glad that at least the first days of it are passed.

We speak of you constantly with much affection and solicitude and I hope you will not have been sent away to the country before we return which will be the twelfth or fifteenth of April, or at least that you will be so near Chicago that we can easily see you. There is something in mere physical propinquity when people you love are in trouble, that is very comforting.

Mrs Urie wrote me of your suggestion about Miss Cunningham, I will take it up [as soon] as I return and will do [all] I can [page 3] to relieve you of all worry about Waukegan. I have been away so long that I have hope that Dr Herrick will let me stay at H.H. through the month of June. You have become just a real "pillar" and essential part of Hull-House that it is hard to think of affairs moving on without you. I am sure you know that I am [page 4] full of affectionate gratitude and appreciation for all you have done for our neighbors small & big.

This is a charming old village full of wisteria and azaleas in full bloom, but I find it a little hard to look at them calmly in these stirring times. Always devotedly yours

Jane Addams

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