Jane Addams to Helen Culver, February 1, 1917


[International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace]

The Section for the United States of America
The Woman's Peace Party
Office: 116 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois

My dear Miss Culver:

I dislike very much to trouble you when you are on a vacation, but we are most anxious to get together financial guarantees for the Congress After the War which the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace is planning. The actual time and place is very uncertain, of course, but all possible preliminary arrangements have been carefully made and there is no reasonable doubt that the project can be creditably carried through. We find, however, that among the peace people, who are, alas, very few in these days of war, only a certain number are interested in the women's movement and we have, therefore, up-to-date largely limited our requests to women who are interested in the fact that the Woman's Congress will be a first effort towards the recognition of woman's influence in international affairs.

I am enclosing a list of the subscribers and if you feel that you might be able to join that list, I need not tell you how very grateful I should be.

I have a bad conscience in talking to you about such matters in the midst of your sorrow and preoccupation, but if we can cable to our Central Office and through that to the women in other countries the fact that we have been promised a goodly sum of money, it will do a great deal to keep up their courage during these very trying days.

The Englishwomen are raising a contribution towards this Congress, but, of course, their resources have been terribly drained by war relief. Of the money subscribed about half has been paid in. The time of the Congress is so uncertain that an early date for payment is not imperative.

Miss French was looking very much better last week. I have been in bed with a slight attack of bronchitis for several days [page 2] but hope to see her again before she leaves the hospital.

I hope that the fine weather in Florida may be of great solace to you during these trying months.

With cordial greetings to Mrs. Peck and to the members of your household, I am

Affectionately yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Miss Helen Culver,
[Sarasota], Florida.