Eugene Felix to Jane Addams, July 13, 1916

Executive Office, 110 WEST 34th STREET
July Thirteenth
Nineteen Sixteen.
Miss Jane Addams,
800 South Halsted Street,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

Some time ago, in replying to our Corresponding Secretary, Mr. F. Peyrot, you honored the work we are doing by accepting membership as an Honorary American Associate. We hope in a small way to express our appreciation of your interest, your support, and your help.

We also desire to report progress in the matter of organization.

Above are the names of the members of the Committee of Direction of the International Exposition for Social and Industrial Betterment of the Alliance Sociale et Civique.

Soon we shall issue an announcement of the progress and purpose of the work, including all of the departmental heads and the complete list of Honorary American Associates.

Departments are now being organized.

One department under way is devoted to America's Appreciation of the industry, science, literature, art, music, learning, philosophy and intellectual inspiration of Europe.

For twenty months our minds have been filled with tales of suffering and horror, and it is wise for us at this time to recall that which Europe has held for us in the past and that which Europe will hold for us in the future.

It seems fitting and just that we should at this time, even for our own conscious good, unite in a definite expression of our appreciation of the good of Europe to which we are debtors. [page 2]

Several Honorary American Associates have written us to this effect and we are now putting this matter before the attention of all of the members.

Will you not aid us in rendering due appreciation of the debt we so justly owe?

Will you not write a general letter to the peoples of Europe, as though you were writing to intimate friends, expressing your appreciation of that which you have gained individually and of that which you realize the American people have gained from the life and culture of the peoples of Europe?

It is desired that all letters of appreciation, whether of one, two, three or four pages, shall be typewritten on letter-head size paper, at least 8" by 10-1/2" and that a fair margin shall be left at both sides and at the bottom so that they may be well bound and evenly trimmed.

A brief suggestion of the plan to be carried out is contained in the attached sheet.

We beg for your [cooperation] in this matter.

Most appreciatively and thankfully yours,

Eugene Felix [signed]

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