December 10, 1915.
My dear Miss Addams:
At the outset of the fiscal year the board of directors, on recommendation of the staff, adopted a provisional budget for the first quarter, estimating receipts at the same figure as last year, and keeping expenditures also within last year's figure.
Early in mid-January, [we] will [have] the results in hand to place before the board. The [receipts?] of the first two months are such as to warrant us in entering upon the second quarter up to the mid-January meeting on the same basis; without [attempting] a committee or board meeting in the crowded month of December.
Before leaving on a western trip, however, I [illegible words] the situation before you in a nutshell.
In expenditures we [have] kept well within the total of last year's figures both in October and in November.
In receipts the advertising showing equals that of last year; subscriptions in October ran [500?] under, but the November showing exceeds that of last November, and we hope this up-grade movement is going to continue.
In contributions the response to the annual report and appeals [which] were sent out November 13th (two weeks earlier than last year) has been thoroughly [bracing?]. We have as I write $10,909 in paid and promised contributions in our general fund, or roughly, the same figure that we [had at?] the end of January last year.
The enclosed sheets give comments for and against, as they came in to us in the letters in response [to our appeal].
I should appreciate it if you would send me with equal frankness your criticisms and suggestions as to The Survey -- taking, if you will, the December 4th number as text, for that illustrated what we can do when we have a little [leeway] as to space -- in the news reports of its first pages; in its example of journalistic research -- Mr. [Potter's] article on Bridgeport (one of a [page 2] series in which the National Housing Association, the Consumers League, the Sage Foundation and The Survey and [cooperating]); in its fresh drafts of experience from those who are up to their elbows in social work -- a prison worker, a Negro school teacher, a play leader, a dispensary nurse; in its interpretation of racial and social groups exemplified by the immigration pictures, the articles on Tuskegee and Armenian poetry; in the space given over to constructive criticism -- Mrs. Spencer's review of the Carnegie Peace Foundation and Mrs. Hooker's challenge to the medical profession.
While the financial response to our November appeal was an encouraging exhibit of the [gifts] of money which make The Survey [possible], this [issue] with its [thirty?] pages of contributed articles -- gifts out of hand to Survey associates -- is equally encouraging.