Samuel A. Barnett to Jane Addams, May 13, 1902

Warden's Lodge
Toynbee Hall,
Whitechapel, C.

May 13.02


My dear Miss Addams,

We were pleased to be reminded of youbody & mindby the present of your book. I have read it with profit & already planted 2 copies in the minds of my friends. It is [so] helpful [page 2] to be assured that there is light & truth in the people.  In this latter days of war & ritual [is] then a strong temptation to think the powers of darkness have triumphed.  You help us to see how if we boldly face what [seems] evil we see good.

This always seems to me [page 3] to be the real teaching of Browning but one needs to have it applied to present facts.

You know I suppose the [Tolstoy] works published by the Free Press. "The meaning of life" is admirable— We have had a busy winter but my wife has been & is still ill. She cannot get together her spiritual forces she has spent & so her body suffers. She has however opened a rest house for Whiltchapel folk near the Hamstead Cottage & has 21 there to keep her company.

We often think & talk of you Today Mr. & Mrs. Mead friends of yours write to me.

I am affectionately [yours],
Samuel A. Barnett

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