Carrie Chapman Catt to Jane Addams, August 15, 1915


International Woman Suffrage Alliance.

My dear Miss Addams:

I got in today from an upstate trip and found Miss [Macmillan]'s cable on my desk. I wrote you at once, before I took my hat off, and mailed the letter. Now I think I may not have made my meaning clear so I am writing now a sort of post script. If you have not received a cable and did not know that Dr Jacobs was coming over, they are either ignorant of official courtesy or there is a screw loose. If the first is true then I wanted you to get the information so that the action would be official; if the latter is the case, no one but you must deal with the situation. It is probable that Miss [Macmillan] merely cabled me so that I would look after her here.

Now, you ought to be with Dr. J. when she has her audience and I presume you will if it is [page 2] possible. I have tried to think whether there was any one here who could go to Washington in case you could not. The Peace Party's president seems rather ineffective and I believe is away. Mrs. Villard might go in case you wanted her. Of course I have not communicated with her and shall not. She would do as a [chaperone] that is all.

I hope my dear Miss Addams that you will pardon the impertinence of my "butting in." I have had the experience of keeping hands off because a thing was none of my affair, to discover that it was a mistake and I only write because it is just possible that I ought to do so.

Most Cordially

Carrie C Catt