Carrie Chapman Catt to Jane Addams, August 15, 1915


International Woman Suffrage Alliance.

My dear Miss Addams:

I have this minute received the following cable:

Amsterdam Aug 14.

Jacobs arrives New York Nieuwe Amsterdam Aug 24th. Important she sees Wilson.


I suppose they have cabled you but in the event they have not, I take it they desire an audience secured in advance and in my judgment you are the one to request it. You are the National Chairman of the movement Dr. Jacobs has come to represent and besides you have seen the President and will know best how to stall the request. I will see that Dr. Jacobs is met and cared for. Will you let me know if I can be of use in this matter and if Miss Addams is out of town will her secretary give me such information as she has.

An audience could not be safely fixed before the 26th and better the 27th. [page 2]

The outlook is most ominous and I sometimes wonder if the entire world will go mad. Today I read that it really looks as [though] Sweden would take sides with Germany, and that Norway and Denmark might then be driven to the Allies. Southeastern Europe seems likely to be drawn into the vortex and now I receive a circular inviting me to join the Women's Committee on Preparedness here! I cannot argue with the ordinary view that Wilson has done well. We should have had more backbone at the beginning.

Most Cordially,

Carrie C Catt

Sunday Aug 15