Kate Waller Barrett to Jane Addams, January 2, 1915

National Council of Women

Jan. 2nd. 1915.

My dear Miss Addams: -- I shall be delighted to do any thing that I can to aid the plans which you outline for the Peace Committee. I am sure that the [National] Council of Women through its various organizations will gladly do every thing possible.

I shall be at the meeting at the Willard and will also try and get as many of our officers present as possible.

I am enclosing a letter that we have been sending out for our "Fraternal Fund" to send to the Presidents of the different National Councils which are at war. I am sure there are many calls that they have which cannot be met through the ordinary avenues of relief and I think, that it is a fitting manner to show in a practical war our feeling for them.

Hoping to see you in Washington, I am,

Faithfully yours, I. H. N.

[Kate Waller Barrett] [signed]

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