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  • Subject is exactly "peace"

Addams thanks Blaine for the flowers she send and sends her a poem by Florence Holbrook.

Quote by famous individuals supporting peace instead of war.

Also known as Jane Addams to Anita McCormick Blaine, March 1, 1924

Addams asks Blaine and other members to help fund the International Congress of Women and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom International Summer School.

An issue of Unity that features articles on the settlement of international disputes, labor in Italy and Germany, and book reviews.

Greene encloses a plan for world peace. He asks Addams to use her notoriety to influence public opinion.
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Amy Woods writes to Jane Addams asking her advice on how the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom should gain finances for the December 7th Hague Conference of 1922

Fried sends Addams holiday greetings and hopes for peace.

Jones sends Addams a rambling discussion of his views on science, peace and evolution.

An excerpt of an article from the Indianapolis News read at a peace meeting.

Glasier describes her time at home while the war wages on and she hopes for peace.

Wilson thanks Addams for her telegram and hopes for peace to come.

Woodburn writes to Addams describing a poem written by multiple people and an event involving children of all nationalities in the hopes of promoting world peace.

Jensen writes to Addams in response to an article in which he read. He states his opinion on the solution for lasting peace.

Karsten informs Park that the Woman's Peace Party does not have the funds to carry out his plans.

Addams returns a poem to Walter because they do not publish poems.

Addams promises to send Wales more folders with argumentative content. Addams also responds to a suggestion offered by Wales in previous correspondence and has enclosed a poem from a soldier.

French writes to Wilson to extend Thanksgiving greetings on behalf of the Maine Federation of Women's Clubs, as well as to thank him for his efforts in maintaining peace.

Addams enclosed a poem from a soldier fighting in World War I and offers it for use to Kellogg. Addams further explains her reasons and hesitations in providing reviews of nine books Kellogg had sent her.

Style asks Addams how she could help the peace movement and thanks her for trying to end the war.

Leitch complains about the amount of rum being distributed around the world.

Selborne talks about the war and what the warring nations see as minimal terms for peace. She also talks about how woman suffrage is a secondary and less important issue to these governments.

Berwald takes issue with the Tribune's stance that only true Americans have ancestors who spoke English. He also expresses his anti-war beliefs.

Glasier tells Evans of her trip in South Wales, and her thoughts on achieving peace in Belgium.
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Addams advocates for world peace, arguing the advantages of international arbitration over war.