Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, September 24, 1914


September 24, 1914.

Dear Miss Addams:

Miss Wald, Judge Mack, Mrs. Kelley, Mr. Devine and I met for an hour this morning. We felt that not only should you preside, but that if you can make even a rough formulation before the meeting, it would mean all the difference in the world. If you could put your proposal in writing, so much the better, but that, of course, is for you to determine.

All the replies that have come in to date with the exception of Congressman Kent, who is out of reach, have been acceptances -- eight or ten of them. We added Leo Arnstein, Professor Giddings, Prof. Hull, and John Bassett Moore to the list of those asked. Will you be good enough to wire Miss Wald or me when you will arrive?

At Mr. Holt's suggestion we have invited Mr. [Nasmyth], and I have written him as enclosed, asking him to get together such practical things as have been done or proposed under the various headings we wish discussed. I fear my letter to him is rather at loose ends, but, as I explained to him, it is a wholly unexplored field, for me.


Kellogg [signed] [page 2]
Peace meeting at Henry St
Miss Jane Addams
Bar Harbor