Frances Alice Kellor to Jane Addams, July 3, 1913

Progressive National Committee

New York, July 3, 1913.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

It is very good to be addressing you again in America. I am very sorry that I could be in two places at once and see you when you arrived in New York, because there were a multitude of things I wanted to talk with you about. However, they will have to go over until the Fall as I shall be away during the months of July and August.

I hope very much that we can have the Service meeting early in September, as I have held no general meeting in your absence.

You will notice from the report I am enclosing (D 6 and special), that we have been making good progress although the difficulty of getting money has been a serious one. We are now planning to have a big Service meeting at Headquarters the 3rd of October which is the night before Colonel Roosevelt sails for South America. Will you set the date aside as it is the first national meeting to be held under the supervision of the National Service? I hope you will make a special effort to be with us and speak on that night.

In the matter of the Ladies' Home Journal's correspondence; the letter have been very few lately, not averaging more than one or two a week and as they deal almost entirely with information concerning yourself and Hull House rather than the subject I am asking the Ladies' Home Journal to forward them direct to you. If there is anything you wish the Service to take notice of we shall of course be glad to do it. I am sure the letters will not prove any hardship to you.

I shall be very glad to know where you are going to be this Summer so I can communicate with you from time to time regarding matters which may come up. It is very good to know that you are back, and I am so sorry to have missed you and that you could not come to Newport but under the conditions -- illness in your family and the intense head I think your decision was the only wise one to have made.

Very truly yours,

Frances A Kellor [signed]
Chief of Service.

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