Jane Addams to Lucy Biddle Lewis, August 3, 1924


My dear Mrs Lewis

I thank you so much for your dear letter which came last week. I am really ashamed to have frightened people about my health for I am quite all right again and as fit as ever.

It only means that I must be absolutely quiet when the kidney disturbance comes and [traveling] was out of the question. [page 2]

I am doing everything I like now. Emily Balch was here for a week and we finished up a lot of Congress material which still hung over. I think that we will come very well with financing the report, we have in hand now $1825, with a little more promised and have been planning to send out fifty letters asking for $10.00 each -- hoping that we could get at least $250.00 for half of them. [page 3] We must try not to push into the list who would naturally give to the national, but we are now so near to the end that I am much encouraged. We made out the accounts and it is astounding is it that we are out of debt. I am sending on Mde Ramondt's letter, to show that the Europeans were really very appreciative. I should be glad to have it returned some time.

I was distressed to hear about your mother's arm, what a hard time she [page 4] does have and what astonishing ability.

Please give her my love and to your sister. I do hope that your daughter in law, what a long [illegible] it has been, I wish I could be of [illegible] about it. What do you hear from the Rickmans? Mrs Urie writes that their [Couldy?] with the Italian government [& priest] goes on more merrily this summer than ever.

With sincerest thanks for your kind letter I am always affectionately yours,

Jane Addams

Aug 3d 1924