Jane Addams to Lucy Biddle Lewis, July 13, 1924


July 13" 1924


My dear Mrs Lewis

I am very much better at last [although] still obliged to lie down a good many hours a day. The attack was one of those [illegible] that [illegible] nothing [although] one never can tell. I do hope the Conference was a fine one and that you are rested from our wild adventure in April and May.

We have sent in $1000.00 for the report and I am sure that [page 2] we can raise the rest on a special fund. Emily Balch is coming the end of the month and I hope we can do some writing then.

All of our ladies are writing polite notes and all seem to be safely returned. I think that they were all a little bewildered by what they found in the U.S.A. much more conflicted than they had imagined it!

With love to your mother & sister I am always devotedly yours Jane Addams [page 3]

Mrs Lucy Biddle Lewis
504 North Lansdowne Ave

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