Jane Addams to Amy Woods, February 20, 1924



Feb 20 1924

My dear Miss Woods:

I am very grateful for your telegram and so very glad that Kathleen Courtney is coming, she is one of the finest of the English group. I hope that [Dr] Ethel [Williams] will also come, I imagine that she would be fresher to an American Audience [than] Miss Sheepshanks, but both are good speakers. I share Mrs Lewis's apprehension that many of the delegates will expect to be transported to Chicago and that we will have all sorts of financial difficulties. Do you think that we might arrange to have the foreign clubs meet with us when I am in New York in March? I do wish that you could be there a day or two while I am there. I will be there from the 22d to the 29th, with 25th and 26th out for the Philadelphia meeting. I am engaged certain [evenings] but we might manage it through the New York Branch ↑perhaps on a Sunday afternoon.↓ The Chicago Branch has arranged a reception for them on March 4th. I suspect that we will need the help of the foreign women on the entertaining side.

I am sending a letter or two which may be of use to you. I can't quite make out Mde Duchêne contention about abstractions. I understand that Feakins has [Bertrand] Russell in charge. Could you find out the possibility of our having him at Washington or here? He would be our greatest card, [although doubtless] shocking Some!

Please excuse this horrible typewriting which I am carrying on myself and believe affectionately yours

Jane Addams [signed]