Jane Addams to Clara Landsberg, [September 26, 1910]

Bar Harbor, Maine.

Dear Sister Clara

You don't know how grateful I was for your letter from H. H. -- the very last weeks away are quite a pull for I am eager to get back. At present I am swimming in proof -- it is an awfully big book 115000 ↑words!↓. I am learning to do the proof pretty well, partly because I have been writing so much and partly because I have three or four hours of uninterrupted time at a stretch. [page 2]

Will you do the index if I ask Macmillan to send the page proof on to Chicago as fast as it is ready? The paging has been delayed until [Norah's] last drawings come in, on the theory that they would be scattered [through] the text, but I hope to get the indicated places back to Macmillan before I leave here Saturday, if the last engraver's proofs come.

I wrote to Miss [Inglis] in regard to taking the Coffee House but [page 3] I have not heard from her.

I will be at home either Sat the 7th or early Sunday the 8th. I have an engagement to speak Sunday evening at the opening of the Sunday Evening Club lectures in Orchestra hall. Could you write me a line to Plymouth Inn Northampton Mass, we will be there certainly Wed Oct 5th. You knew, didn't you that Miss Crocker from Ann Arbor would be at H.H. for a few months this fall. She could have my [page 4] room until I come and then perhaps we could fit her up in Norah's old room upstairs or [somewhere] else.

I can't tell you how glad I am that you are back. My love to you and to all of H.H.

Always affectionately yours

J. A. 


Will you ask Miss Prindiville to have Cox finish in his best style, three of the portraits of J. A. aged 7.