September 15, 1923.
Dear Miss Addams:
Mr. [Byron] informs me that you are to land in Los Angeles today and pay a short visit to Stanley before coming on to Chicago about September 25th, and I am writing to send the welcoming greetings and love of Miss Culver and all members of our family.
We are indeed glad to have you back in this country safe and sound, after running the gauntlet of surgeons, wars and earthquakes.
Please present our equally warm greetings to Miss Smith also, and to Dr. Hamilton if she is with you.
Miss Culver is much the same as when you saw her last, cheerful and contented most of the time, and no longer disturbed by those troublesome "visions" though still having days occasionally of not feeling sure where she is.
She is looking forward with pleasure to seeing you again, as are we all.
Yours very truly,
Charles Hull Ewing [signed]