Benjamin Barr Lindsey to Jane Addams, June 15, 1906


Denver, Colorado, June 15th, 1906.

Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:-- I hope I am not trespassing on your valuable time, if I recall the suggestion you made that possibly you could furnish me with a copy of the Report on Industrial Education, issued by the Boston School Board. I am very anxious to get the Report.

I have talked with some of our people here about the possibility of proposing an amendment to our City Charter, under the new initiative and referendum act, providing for a Board of five, to have charge of recreation centers and playgrounds, and it occurred to me that we might give this Board power to erect and maintain an Industrial School. I believe the people would vote for an issue of five hundred thousand and even a million dollars in bonds and permit the Board to make the necessary annual tax-levy to carry on such work. Of course, we are in no such need as Chicago, possibly, for these things, and yet, in a smaller way, I think that our necessities may be equally important. I hope that this Board can maintain two or three recreation centers, which would include model playgrounds and natatoriums.

I have a little library at my house, and I have become the fortunate possessor of the photographs of several of my very dear friends, especially of those who have had an influence in my life, and to whom I feel a debt of gratitude. I would like to add to these a picture of you-–cabinet size or any size,-–that I could but in a neat little frame. I also want one of Miss Julia Lathrop. I am hoping to get them both.

I always come back from Chicago so much inspired and helped, especially after visiting Hull-House, and meeting those who are doing such splendid work.

I feel especially grateful now that all of the officers of this Court have visited the Hull-House; and it has had the effect I expected, of inspiring and helping them.

With kindest regards and best wishes to my many friends at Hull-House, I am

Sincerely Yours, 

P.S.-–I have not made up the committee yet. Judge Mack did not think he should be appointed, because he would be absent during the Summer, but I prevailed upon him to let me appoint him any way, since I would feel very badly if for any reason he would not act. Before the Committee is completed, I expect to send you a list of the names, if I may so burden you, in asking for advice and counsel which I value so highly.