Benjamin Barr Lindsey to Jane Addams, June 15, 1906


Denver, Colorado, June 15th,1906.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull-House, Chicago.

My dear Miss Addams:- Miss Laurene Porter of this City, will visit Hull-House sometime in July, probably about the 10th or 12th. Miss Porter has been one of the most devoted workers we have had in the childrens' cause in Denver. While she is quite prominent here socially, she has for two years given up herself to some of the noblest kind of work for others.

She is now in Washington, and on her way home expects to visit Hull-House, and I took the liberty to give her a letter to you and Miss Lathrop. She expects to be in Chicago two or three days and is anxious to get some insight into settlement work, and especially the juvenile court problem of that city. She is anxious to know if you or Miss Lathrop are likely to be at home between the 10th and 15th of July, since she is very anxious to be there when both or at least one of you are at home. Could you kindly let me know?

Sincerely Yours,

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