Edward Clark Marsh to Jane Addams, September 11, 1912


September 11, 1912.

Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:--

I am sure you are hearing every day of the good influence of your book, as we are. I am gratified to report that the sales are continuing in a way that promises a [widespread] influence.

I wish we could know that you will be able to follow this book with another dealing with some new phase of the big subject of which it treats. Do you remember that we discussed a few years ago a book about the working girl in the city? Miss Wyatt and Mrs. Clark touched on one side of that big subject in the excellent little book which we recently published for them, but it seems to me there is much still to be said on the subject, which you alone can say with the highest authority.

Will you be so good as to let me know, at your leisure, whether you cannot see a possibility of taking this subject up and discussing it in the not too remote future?

Very truly yours,

Edward C. Marsh [signed]

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