Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, March 26, 1915


Dear Lady: --

I am awfully sorry that you have decided not to go to The Hague.

The undertaking, of course, offers many possibilities of failure; indeed, it may even do much harm. The whole enterprise has about it a certain aspect of moral adventure but it seems to me to be genuine. I think, too, that women who are willing to fail may be able to break through that curious hypnotic spell which makes it impossible for any of the nations to consider Peace. It would be a great thing for us if you would go with us!

I am enclosing a letter addressed to Mrs. Nathan. The Executive Committee considered her name and authorized me to write to her, but in the middle of dictating the letter it occurred to me that perhaps she was pro-German. If that is so, it would be no use her going. Won't you kindly find out for me if she is "neutral" and if she is, will you please address the letter and send it on to her. If she is pro-German, will you please return the letter to me.

Mrs. Bowen looks a great deal [page 2] better since her return from New York. I am naturally anxious to lay my eyes on Mary.

I returned from our old home at Cedarville on Tuesday and find it difficult to bring my mind out of the long past and my childhood.

Always devotedly yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

March 26, 1915.