Jane Addams to Emily Greene Balch, March 26, 1915


March 26, 1915

My dear Miss Balch: --

I have been out of town for several days owing to the illness and death of my sister.

Don't you think you could manage to go with us to The Hague? What <Couldn't you persuade Wellesley that nothing> could be better for the college in which you are teaching economics than the experience which the conference at The Hague would give you?

I am especially anxious that we should have delegates conversant with the racial and nationality situation, and I know of no one who would meet these requirements better than you would.

Of course, the whole undertaking has about it something of the spirit of moral adventure and may easily fail -- even do harm. Our chance of success depends largely upon the personnel of the women who go. Grace Abbott is going from Chicago and I also hope Miss [Breckinridge]; but no one else has any special knowledge of immigrants. I am enclosing [page 2] the list of acceptances as it stands at present; it looks as though we would have about fifteen delegates.

I will send you the account of the meeting in England. They have apparently more working people. We are "low", both on working people and economists. Miss Woolley of Mount Holyoke is considering it. She would be an enormous acquisition.

Don't you think that there is a certain obligation on the women who have had the advantages of study and training, to take this possible chance to help out? I don't want to be too insistent but won't you please consider it again?

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

Miss Emily Balch
Wellesley College