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A report of a meeting held between Jane Addams, Mary McDowell and members of the Military Intelligence Association regarding attacks on Addams by Frere Hopkins.

A news article reports on Joseph J. Hurley's speech about his refusal to head the armistice parade in Boston because of the participation of peace activists.

Addams tells Catt that she will not attend the International Council of Women conference, but hopes it is a success.

Catt asks Addams for assistance in her plan to write an open letter defending peace organizations against attacks on their patriotism.

Detzer updates Addams on efforts to meet with government officials about the situation in Haiti, the American Legion, and other affairs of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Washington office.

Article describing a stormy meeting of the Conference on the Cause and Cure of War held between December 5 and 10 in Washington, DC.

Schwimmer thanks Addams for signing an American Civil Liberties Union petition in her support.

Slayden thanks Addams for her sympathy and hopes the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom will open a Texas branch.

MacSwiney asks to meet Addams in Dublin and apologizes for missing the International Congress of Women.

Levinson sends Addams a letter he wrote about her to John Faville.

Schwimmer tells Addams about her experiences of anti-radicalism and militarism.

Schwimmer tells Addams about attacks being made on her character.

Spencer tells Addams about recent confrerence and her sister's medical condition.

Johnson tells Elliott about her experience with peace celebrations.

A clipping describing Nathan Shiverick's condemnation of peace activists.

Shiverick criticizes Addams and the peace movement for operating in theory to end war rather that focusing on the deterrent of preparedness.

Collson sends Addams her thoughts about peace and asks for help finding work she can do for peace.

Catt tells Addams about the possibility of an investigation of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom for Russian ties by Congress, provides information about a similar investigation of the Women's Joint Congressional Committee, and mentions that the accusations are funded by militarists.

Schwimmer blasts Addams and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section for their lack of publicity and organizing work for the International Congress of Women and criticizes the impact that social workers have made on the peace cause.
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Hopkins calls our Jane Addams and religious pacifists for allowing the Turkish massacre in Armenia and Assyria.

Peabody praises Addams's Peace and Bread in Time of War and her views on religion.

Gompers tells the Central Labor Union how the American Federation of Labor plans to act on Armistice Day.

Ernst asks Addams for a meeting, telling her that she has felt alienated from American peace activists and advising on the problems in Germany.

McDonald discusses efforts to defend against attacks by the State Department and a possible conference on reparations.

Balch asks Leach for advice in resolving the problems with the Women's Peace Society.