Ellen McGregor Maury Slayden to Jane Addams, March 4, 1925


March 4th 1925


My dear Miss Addams,

Yesterday at the luncheon for you was the first time I have been in a crowd since my husband's death, so I was a little bewildered, and couldn't say just what I wished when I went up to speak to you, so I am intruding on your holiday with ↑a↓ letter.

First, I want to thank you for your kind mention of Mr. Slayden, especially gratifying to me here where towards the end of the war, he was traduced and [vilified], and called a "traitor." [page 2] I try to forget it, as he did, knowing that it was just war hysteria coupled with ignorance and provincialism -- and to say "so persecuted they also the prophets," and I even felt a grim amusement when I saw one who had almost led the mob against him pouring out his eloquence on you for saying just what Mr. Slayden did.

I have offered a $50.00 prize to the High Schools here for the best essay on some phase of the peace question, and have given the children the use of Mr. Slayden's library, and my time and advice in the afternoons, and when I came home yesterday my small house was overflowing, [page 3] and I wish you could have seen their bright faces full of interest as I gave them your talk at second hand.

Having been out of town I didn't know you were coming or I should have spread a net for you before you arrived. If you could given even an hour to organizing a branch of the W.I.L. here it would be such a step forward for this militarized town, and I wanted to ask you to make me a visit on your way back from Mexico, for my pleasure and for this good work. Please [page 4] don't waste a moment of your holiday in answering this letter, but if you should come back this way -- and it is really much pleasanter than by Chihuahua -- just telegraph me, and I will do the rest.

Of course you have been in Mexico before, but in your busy life you cannot have idled there as much as I have, and I would delight in showing you some of the hidden corners of beauty and interests that I know. I love Mexico and many of the Mexicans, and wish them all good luck in their struggle towards better things.

Always warmly your friend

Ellen M. Slayden.

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