Jane Addams to Zona Gale, August 3, 1915


August 3, 1915

My dear Miss Gale: --

I like the chapter very much as I do all the rest of the book, or at least all you sent.

I have absolutely no fault to find with the woman's meeting but something might be added perhaps -- a little of the sense of difficulty which women of the warring nations feel when they are obliged to protest. I am sending you my speech at The Hague which I think emphasizes this; I am sorry that I must ask you to return it but I am rewriting it for a little pamphlet.

I am going up to Bar Harbor for the last two weeks in August -- from the 16th to the end of the month. If you could come and see us for that time it would give Miss Smith and myself a great deal of pleasure.

Affectionately yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Miss Zona Gale
Portage, Wisconsin.

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