Jane Addams to Florence Kelley, July 22, 1901


Rockford College

Rockford July 22d

Dear Sister Kelley

John is in our midst -- and as charming as ever. I want your consent to send him to Buffalo with Stanley. They will leave Chicago about Aug 3d spend a week with Quint Hamilton -- I [enclose] letter so that you may be sure [he is] [page 2] invited -- and then go on to Buffalo.

Mr Burlingham is making arrangements for a freight boat, the expense will not be great but such as it is, I insist that it must be mine.

The lad is just as dear as a mortal can be it is too bad that [page 3] you miss so much of him. The Summer School has gone very well and everyone regrets that this is the last week. Always and forever yours

Jane Addams