William Franklin Bear to Jane Addams, August 16, 1915

Cedarville, Illinois,
August 16th, 1915.
Miss Jane Addams,
635 South [Halsted] Street,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My Dear Miss Addams: --

The President and Board of Trustees of the village of Cedarville at their regular meeting held at the council room on the 2nd. inst., passed a resolution, an exact copy of which you will please find enclosed, directing me to request you to speak to us on Jane Addams Day this year and tell us of your experiences and observations during your recent visit to the capitols of Europe.

Trusting this communication may be received in the same spirit which prompts it, I am,

Most respectfully,

Wm. F. Bear

P.S .... This matter has been talked over quietly with the people who read and think and all are enthusiastic about it.

W. F. B. [initialed]

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