Jane Addams to Stanley Ross Linn, April 6, 1915


My dear Stanley

I am sending you the receipt for the ring in case there should ever be any trouble about it, as there is said to be some times about a diamond.

Your description of life on the bigger ranch sounds very attractive but you know better than any one else can, which place you like the best.

If I came in Sept. perhaps you will be all settled by that time in the new house on the Corona ranch.

We sail for The Hague for the Woman's Conference on Peace on April 13th [page 2] getting back in four or six weeks, that will make it difficult for me to get back <away> again until the early fall. Mary Smith and I will come [over?] via the Southern route and go back by one of the other roads -- but I shall have to write you of all [such] matters after my return.

I am sending some of the documents which explain the situation better than I can write it.

It is a great pleasure to think of you as so happy and content -- and I find it hard to wait until Sept. With much love and blessings to you, my Dear, Always your loving Aunt

Jane Addams.

April 6" 1915

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