Pittsburgh, Feb. 16, 1915
My dear Miss Addams:
I addressed the enclosed letter to Mrs. John Jay White in response to the [rumors] which have been reported to me to my greatest amazement when I returned to New York.
After my experience in Washington I had very little confidence in them but <[don't?]> when they go on I see that it is the best way <if> I stand [straightway] face to face with them. I don't want to encourage them in their ways, and therefore I didn't yield to my disgust in doing what they apparently would like to achieve. I didn't resign but, on the other hand, I can imagine that they may try to make you difficulties and I therefore wish to put the matter into your hands, and beg you to be sure that I accepted the office only because I thought it in accordance with my international mission and my international work, but if it would relieve you of difficulties with some of your co-workers, don't hesitate to throw me over.
Have you seen Bernard Shaw's telegram to Miss Whitehouse in the Woman's Suffrage Number of "Puck" in which he asks "When are the women going to tell us what they surely must have to say about war and how soon do they intend to stop it, or have they all become childish, or unreasonable, or villainous or cowardly or romantic and impossible like the other sex?" How many men in Europe think and ask these questions without being able or having the opportunity to express them!
I am very glad that I succeeded in getting released of most of my Montana engagements. I had to give up five lectures of the seven which had been arranged for Montana to be able to attend the February 27, 28th meeting and I could have avoided all the trouble if I would have been informed in the right time that such a meeting is to be held. But I very gladly would have given up more if necessary. [page 2]
I am very sorry to see that the February meeting is not yet advertised at all. I think it is a terrible loss of opportunity. Will you kindly give the enclosed letter to Mrs. Thomas. It is one of several letters which I got from friends who were most enthusiastic about the idea of the Washington <meeting> but didn't attend the meeting because it was advertised in such a way that people did not know that it is the same thing of which I had spoken to them. I beg Mrs. Thomas to send Mrs. Noyes all the material.
Mrs. Catt is in a very, very bad state of health. She is in bed. Miss Leckie has sent you or Mrs. Thomas my schedule so that any communication can reach me.
I am most anxious to hear about the program of the National Peace Meeting. A very important piece of news is that Mme. Aino Malmberg from Finland arrived in New York. Feakins had invited her and she has spoken under his management two years ago. She is a wonderful speaker, has a wonderful amount of material and would be of the greatest use as a speaker of the Woman's Peace Party. I wonder whether it could be arranged any way to have her in Chicago so that you could make arrangements with her. She is most valuable -- a wonderful woman. If you wish to communicate with her will you let me know please, so that I may inform her. I am most anxious to get her into contact with you.
Most cordially yours,
Rosika Schwimmer [signed]