Hannah Johnston Bailey to Jane Addams, January 18, 1915



Winthrop Centre, Maine,
44 So El Molino Ave., Pasadena, Cal <till April,>

Jan. 18, 1915.

Miss Jane Addams,

Dear Miss Addams:-

Enclosed I am sending you a copy of my last Annual Report to the National Convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union held in Atlanta last November, hoping you will read it carefully and note what is being done on some special and important lines mentioned in it for the promulgation of peace principles.

I met you in Boston during the holding of the World's Peace Congress there, but as there was not time for much conversation then I presume you do not remember me. I also met you at the wonderful Convention of the National American Woman's Suffrage Association held in Philadelphia. I was a delegate from the Maine branch, of which I am now Vice President.

I have been much gratified by your beautiful work for suffrage in the past and, recently, by your work for peace. I am writing now especially to thank you for undertaking to exert your strong influence, always so well and wisely given, for the promotion of peace and arbitration which some think is a "lost cause" but many, including myself, believe it to be only now beholding militarism in its last throes, in the darkness that appears just before the dawning of day. Surely the heartsickening war that is [page 2] now raging in Europe must convince the world that there is a better way to settle international differences than by cruel war.

God bless you, dear Miss Addams, in your helpfulness to this cause and in every good word and work for the uplift of humanity.

Yours sincerely,

Hannah J. Bailey. [signed]