Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, August 28, 1906


Dearest -- Your letter came this morning, you don't know how glad I was to get it, in spite of its sad news.

I came in last night terribly discouraged, I had decided to stay over in spite of the School Board meeting and had therefore a very bad conscience. I really do believe however that if I had not stayed that it would mean another trip -- he did yesterday morning what he did the last morning before to [lay aside?] changes in a nervous experimental way, so that [page 2] at twelve I came over and countermanded my early lunch and my carriage to [Peterborough] -- he was so relieved and happy that he now says that I can go today but I won't believe anything until I am off. To return to last night when I saw your [writing] hand I almost wept for joy and said to myself that I had at least made this by staying, but when I got it upstairs & had sopped up the rain for Chap VII, I found it only a postal from John Linn with [page 3] [ne'er] a word from my best beloved. However your letter this morning has cheered me mightily, I took a cup of coffee last night for supper I worked on the book until ten, my eyes are bloodshot this morning but Mr Brush assured me that it was only hair & neck now! We finally took my party dress waist, took off all the lace, made a V front & I am to leave it and then Mr B. will [fresco] it into the color he likes -- that is he takes a squirter and squirts the color on it. Pretty idea isn't it? but at least it fits. [page 4] We had a very imposing supper at the Brush's the other evening, [soured?] by an Italian of whom as [Mittie] says [illegible] of the changed terrace in front of the house "Another Italian has made another mess here."

Sunday afternoon I took tea at Mark Twain's & had a remarkable conversation about Gorky which I will report later, and Monday evening supped with the Kidner's & Mr Rob't Treat Paine who by the way has been allowed to see the portrait & expresses much enthusiasm. [page 5] It is a beautiful morning after the rain and between the good air and your letter I am quite set up.

I wish I had been at the cottage this week, my old ability to keep house could have been revived. Please give my sympathy to your next door neighbors, & as for poor little Rosalie it breaks me up to think of her. My love to Sister Eleanor & Clara and for you always dear I am devotedly J. A. 

Aug 28" 1906