Abigail (Abba) Bass to Bertha G. Morse, September 24, 1912


Sept. 24, 1912.

Mrs. Bertha G. Morse,
Twin Falls,

My dear Mrs. Morse:

It is with great pleasure that we have received notification of your appointment as State Chairman of the Women's Branch of the Progressive Party in Idaho.

It has seemed best to divide the work along certain lines, and for this reason, I have appointed the following standing committees:


Speakers' Bureau


Suffrage Organizations





Business Women




It would seem wise if you would appoint similar committees in your state. The chairman of my standing committees can then send suggestions to the chairman of the corresponding committees in your state and receive reports from them.

Enclosed herewith you will find suggestions presented by Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank, Chairman of the Finance Committee, and suggestions from the other committee will follow them.

The Progressive National Committee issues a weekly Bulletin from headquarters, allowing briefly the work which has been accomplished for women in the various states. We have forwarded your name, and asked Miss Frances Kellor to send you the bulletin. She will be grateful if you will supply her with news items as to what is happening in your district.

A "Program for Women's Organization Within the Progressive Part in Non-Suffrage States" is a part of the enclosures under separate cover. We would urge that you keep in close touch with your State organization.

Enclosed also is a specimen postal card which is [page 2] being used effectively here in Illinois. Of course, the expense of those cards must be borne by your state organization. The other printed matter we will forward to you.

We shall be glad to send you as soon as possible, the names and suggestions of our standing committees as outlined above, and hope in turn to receive your suggestions as the most effective way of conducting the campaign in your, or other states.

Awaiting with great interest your early responses, I beg to remain,

Hopefully yours,

Mrs. John F. Bass,
Progressive Headquarters,
LaSalle Hotel.

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