James Weber Linn to Jane Addams, September 20, 1912

Rib Lake,
Sept 20th.


My dear little aunt: --

Since you will not answer my letters, why I must [illegible] write you again after these weeks of the kind of air Chicago will not have even when the drainage canal is completed, and Mr. Zueblin has spotted the town green with his little parks, I am fat and heathy, and ready to loaf another year and call it work, with a straight face. I shall leave Rib Lake on Saturday, [page 2] stop over one day on the way home -- or Rob Gooker's place, and get to Chicago on Monday. Then for a week I must look over the new text book we are to read this fall, yet out a new set of lessons in one of my courses, and generally do some odd jobbery, after which, October first and some real teaching -- where may the Lord be good to me, for I shall need it.

You are still talking about the conference, of course. The outside wave of it reaches us up here. Of course it is good to [page 3] let people air their views, else they would probably burst. I hope two or three hundred folk may have been persuaded to give a little senior thought to the old problem of the irresistible force and the immovable lady. I suppose that is the only way to make the lady a bit less immovable to doubt Hull House had some notable luncheons and dinners while the giants of these days were in the city. I wish I could have been there to listen a bit.

Absolutely working but the details of living occupy us up here. I have as little individuality in my actions as a tennis ball, and follow the Scriptural injunction to the bitter end -- that about taking us through for the morrow. Give my love to Esther if she has come in yet, and don't have the poor little boys who play craps arrested, it is a very fascinating game

Yours always affectionately, [James Weber L]

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