Jane Addams to Edith Abbott, July 28, 1911

Hulls Cove Maine
Jul 28" 1911

My dear Miss Abbott

I am very grateful for the many kind things you are doing for me and I am fairly ashamed to ask another, but I do very much want the three or four brown colored pamphlets issued by Prof Henderson's Society. Is it called the Society of Moral Prophylactics & Social Hygiene, or something of the kind.

I do not clearly know where [page 2] my copies are, [although] I think on the top shelf of the open book case near the door of my sitting room. If they aren't there will you have them send me here, other copies from the U. of C.?

I shall always be sorry that you didn't come up from Boston to see this beautiful spot. Do try to have your sister and Dr. Meigs stop here on their way to Montreal. It would [page 3] not be at the least impossible for them to do it, I think so far as R.R. went.

McClure is hurrying me for the first "reading" of my stuff. I have quite enjoyed writing it, [although] the subject is grisly. I have tried to hide it, under the title "A New Conscience and An Ancient Evil". With affectionate greetings to Miss Breckinridge, always devotedly yours

Jane Addams