Emil Münsterberg to Jane Addams, January 19, 1911

Berlin, Zentralstelle für Armenpflege,
Dernburgerstr. 24, Jan. 19, 1911.

Dear Miss Addams:--

With most pleasant memories of my visit in Hull House, I take the liberty of asking you whether you would not be good enough to send a copy of your recent book "Twenty Years at Hull House" with your autograph for the library of my Zentralstelle für Armenpflege und Wohltätigkeit. You know the admiration which I have for your work and we shall be delighted to have such a personal gift in our library.

Yours very sincerely,
Dr. Emil Münsterberg [signed]

[illegible words] signed
by [Meyer Münsterberg?]
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago.

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