Jane Addams to Catharine Waugh McCulloch, January 5, 1912


January 5, 1912.

My dear Mrs. McCulloch: --

I am returning Miss James' letter which is certainly illuminating. I am also sending one from Mrs. La Follette containing a copy of her resignation.

I am inclined to agree with Mrs. La Follette rather than with you in regard to having the convention in Milwaukee, but at the same time you know the Wisconsin situation better than I do and I do not like to go against your judgment in the matter. Could I meet you down town at headquarters some time before I go to Milwaukee on the 26th?

I am also enclosing a letter from Mrs. Plummer which looks as though she were taking hold with some energy.

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

Mrs. [Catharine] Waugh McCulloch
Evanston, Illinois.