Charles D. Trice to Jane Addams, June 1, 1911


Lincoln Trice

Normal and Industrial Institute

Palos Park, (Cook County,) Illinois
Office: 370 Wabash Ave.

Chicago, June 1, 1911

Dear Sir:

It might appear singular to a busy <woman> man like yourself to receive a letter from [a] humble citizen like myself, but I write this letter in the interest of my people, the colored people of this city and state.

We see the great danger of so many of our boys and girls growing up [in] idleness and without any set plan in life, we have established an Industrial School to meet this need for that class of our people, which the enclosed circular will explain more fully.

This school is now in the process of erection and as President of the school I make this appeal for aid. It is hoped that the white people of Chicago and Illinois will not be less loyal to the colored people here than the white people of the South are to the colored people there, because if this school had been started in the South by our people, the white people there would see to it that it would be a success.

We ask that you make a [thorough] investigation of this matter as well as of the writer of this letter. [page 2]

We know that our object and purpose are good, therefore we are sure to get the attention of the people. If you will take hold of this matter and give it your moral and financial support, others will fall in line, and in a few years we will have a great Industrial Institution in Illinois of which we will all <will> be proud.

We pray that this letter will appeal to you for good, because we are appealing to you for assistance either in money, building material or in any shape that you may reel disposed to give it.

Hoping to hear from you soon in this matter, I am

Your humble servant,

C. D. Trice [signed]

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

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