Frederick William Pethick-Lawrence to Jane Addams, September 28, 1911



28th Sept. 1911.

Dear Miss Addams,

We have been very much interested in reading the accounts of the experiences of Mrs Wilson, the Mayor of Hunnewell, Kansas, in trying to clean the city from corruption.

Of course the accounts that get into our ordinary papers are almost entirely hostile, and it is only by reading through the lines that we guess at what is probably the true state of affairs. I should very much like to have in "Votes for Women" a good account written from the other side, and, assuming you think the woman is right in what she is doing, I should be very much obliged if you could get anyone who is in the know to write us an article for "Votes for Women", say, about 1,000 or 1,500 words long.

We do not usually pay for articles in "Votes for Women", and I should think that there are probably those acting with the Mayor <to> whom it is sufficiently important to get their side stated and who would be willing to write us a complimentary article of the same. If this is not so I should be willing to [page 2] pay a Guinea if you think desirable. I leave the matter in your hands and hope that in so doing I am not giving you trouble.

You probably know that Mrs Pankhurst is just starting for the States, and I expect she will have the pleasure of seeing you some time in October or November.

I wonder whether you ever have time of thinking of writing for us yourself. I need hardly say that if you were to do so it would be a great privilege for us to insert it in our paper.

You may be interested in seeing the enclosed article which I have written for this week's number.

We are waiting with interest the news of the result of the ballot in California.

With pleasant recollections of my visit to you so many years ago,

I remain,
Yours sincerely,
F. W. Pethick-Lawrence [signed]

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,