Andrew C. McLaughlin to Jane Addams, October 3, 1911



CHICAGO, ILLS. October 3, 1911
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,

My dear Miss Addams:

I have your letter of September 25th and it has given me some concern. I find it very difficult to be hard-hearted for no one knows better than I, I think, how much you have to do and how many duties are thrust upon you. My belief is, however, that this little job for us can be so arranged that it will not be burdensome. It is not absolutely necessary that I should have the article at the present time; I can sit your convenience in the course of the next month or two. Moreover, it would be entirely appropriate for you to condense your article on "Democracy and Social Ethics". When I had the [temerity] to ask you to write the article for us I knew that you had already prepared such a paper and believed that you could do this very easily and in a very short time. I am going to ask you, therefore, not to give up this task which I feel confident will be a very slight one. If I were sure of getting the article even as late as the 1st of January, I should not worry about it but I do not like to give it up entirely.

I hope the coming autumn and winter will see everything go well and prosperously with you.

Very sincerely yours,

A. C. McLaughlin [signed]

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