Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, June 10, 1924


June 10, 1924

Dear Miss Addams:

Won't you ask some one connected with the summer school to send us a paragraph of 400 or 500 words on its work for inclusion as an editorial paragraph? We should be glad to have it.

About our August Graphic: the date I spoke of was June 15, not July 15, for July 15 would be too late to handle in our August Graphic.

Yet I am ever so eager to have an article from you along the lines suggested or along lines which shape themselves in your mind. We want to make announcement of the leading features of this tenth anniversary number in our July Graphic which goes to press next week. Won't you give me the text or title you will write to, getting word to me by June 16th? We could then give you an additional fortnight or even three weeks to do the writing. We should want to send it to the printer by July 7 at latest.

With your Settlement Conference, the Toronto Conference, the Quakers Conference -- I can understand how pressed you are and yet this tenth anniversary seems a milestone that we shouldn't let slip by without making the most of it; and we can't make the most of it without such an article from you. You won't think me a slave driver if I urge you with a very great urgency to respond if you possibly can.

The little pamphlet with your opening address at Washington has just reached me. The last paragraph would be a wonderful opening lead for the article from you for our August issue. I can't say how much that would mean to us.

Won't you wire me on receipt of this so that we can make the most of our announcement of the number?


Miss Jane Addams
800 S. Halsted St.
Chicago, Ill.

*in carbon of letter to General Allen