June 10.
Dear Miss Addams,
Dr Williams tells me you are wanting some copies of the Report on Treaty Revision & so I am sending some off at once under separate cover. My mind has been full of America ever since I left. I had a wonderful day at Niagara. It's immensity drove out all petty concerns & worries & made me see things in proportion. I had half a day in Worcester Mass & then [page 2] two nights & a day in New York.
[Katharine] Anthony gave me a party in Greenwich Village & Mr & Mrs Leach took me to the [theater] where the International Pen Club were foregathering. Consequently I loved New York, of course.
My 3rd class passage was wonderfully interesting -- I [fell] in with a group of very highly educated men & we spent hours in philosophic & literary talk on deck. We were all different nationalities & most of them had had amazingly interesting life stories.
Herr Knock, director of Berlin Opera, who was [traveling] first class discovered our group & used to come on the 3rd class deck for such conversation as he was accustomed to. The Daily News, London has accepted an article from me on my experiences. [page 3] I hear the Summer School is going beautifully. I longed to stay on when my last day arrived. We are expecting six delegates in London next week & have a number of meetings arranged, a reception, a Garden Party & a Trafalgar Square Demonstration.
I wonder whether you are completely exhausted now it is all over. Your endurance was wonderful. Has it been worth while, in your view. I do hope so. We are eagerly awaiting news about Congressman McLeod's campaign.
I had a long talk with Mrs Swanwick about that tragic German Press report. We are trying by every means to prevent a repetition & and to [run] the thing to earth. [page 4] I treasure the memory of that last evening in Miss Smith's house that happy dinner & little talk with you afterwards. It has all been a wonderful experience & I do thank you for all you did for me & for the inspiration you were.
Your very loving
Dorothy Evans