Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, October 9, 1924


October 9, 1924

Dear Miss Addams:

I regret that you can not be at our Board meeting which has been finally set for October 31. It has seemed rather important to have our meeting some time in the last week of October; which is fairly late for the beginning of a new year; and, on the other hand, not until the annual meeting of Survey Associates on October 27 can we organize for the new year. Also, this week is one of two in which Judge Mack will be here and he is now our active vice-president.

But I want to cash in your coming in another way; and wonder if you could not sit in at our weekly staff luncheon on Wednesday at twelve o'clock at the Grammercy Inn, Irving Place and 19th Street -- either November 12 or November 19. We should be eager to have you and I even think it would mean more to us, this contact of yours with staff work, rather than with the finances of our first board meeting.


Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
800 S. Halsted St.
Chicago, Ill.

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