Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, March 1, 1911

Mar. 1st 1911

My dear Alice

I am afraid that it will be utterly impossible for me to get away this week and next week after the suffrage hearing I go on to Birmingham, Alabama. 

I am afraid the hearing will seem very foolish to you but it went off very well two years ago and I have promised to preside again. We are having all kinds [page 2] of a time with attacks on the Child Labor law and there is an important meeting on the subject next Saturday afternoon at half past two. Can't you come in this week or on your way home and I will plan to go to Cedarville immediately upon my return from the South.

Mr Bowen has been better for the past two days, [although] the doctor [page 3] still considers him seriously ill.

Miss Culver is also better.

I was sorry to hear about your [arm] which I hope is improving.

Please give my love to both households. Always your loving sister

Jane Addams

March 1st 1911

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