Jane Addams to Florence Kelley, September 17, 1924

Hull's Cove Maine
Sept. 17" 1924.

Dear Sister Kelley

Prof. Miller has always been at Oberlin but has just moved to the Ohio State University. I don't think that he is so slow and he is awfully interested. However I will poke him up on the subject -- the sources of foreign news is what the Committee was supposed to [page 2] be after but a letter [illegible words] into home pastures will do us good.

We saw Mrs [Prang] and her guests who with Mr Bradford drove over one day to tea. It was a great pleasure to us all.

Esther Hulbert and her daughter Mary are to be in New York at the McAlpin Hotel from Sunday morning Sept [27th] [page 3] for a few days to see the great city en route from here to Chicago. I have given them your address so they may turn up calling at the your office. Don't bother to entertain them but all the Linn children are [the policy?] of belonging to you & rather sweet. "Of course we must see Mrs Kelley." Always devotedly yours

Jane Addams

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